8 Natural Events That Are Harsh on Your Septic System

Septic systems are essential in homes for proper drainage systems. However, they can be affected when natural events occur. According to septic tank professionals, it is essential that you learn and know how you can keep them functioning well. The experts in this area require homeowners to maintain the septic systems well and take some essential measures. Here are eight natural occurrences that can be tough on your septic system.

 Septic System

  1. Heavy Rainfall

When there is too much rain, the rain soaks the soil, which can also affect those around the septic system. This can become an issue, giving rise to potential problems. This water becomes too much for the design, which can make it rise and move back to the home. This is why the experts require homeowners to have a way to remove extra water from the rain from the system. 

  1. Floods

Floods are vast amounts of water and can be bad for your septic system, like heavy rain. All that water can make the system not work right, and sewage might end up in places it shouldn’t be. 

  1. Drought

When the system is too dry, it causes decomposing to become slow. This can become a problem for your septic system and tank. This is because it can easily become clogged, bringing a foul smell and affecting the drainage. Checking your system during dry times is essential; experts say you can help using less water.

  1. Earthquakes

Earthquakes shake the ground, hurting the pipes and parts of your septic system. This damage can cause leaks and make the area around it dirty.  When the earthquake is over, get a septic expert to look at the septic system. 

  1. Freezing Temperatures

In freezing weather, the water in your septic system can freeze like ice. This can block things up and damage the system. Experts recommend keeping the system warm and protecting exposed parts when cold to stop this.

  1. Tree Roots

The roots of big trees or bushes can sneak into your septic system and cause blockages and damage. Experts say it’s crucial to plant trees far away from the system and check for signs of roots getting in. Acting quickly can stop expensive fixes.

  1. Soil Erosion

When the soil around your septic system washes away, it can cause problems like shifting or damage. To stop this, experts suggest planting grass or putting up walls to keep the soil steady.

  1. High Groundwater Levels

When the water under the ground rises a lot, it can press on your septic system, causing problems. Experts say picking the right spot for the design and checking it often can help prevent backups and other issues.


Awareness of how natural events can impact your septic system is essential. You can proactively safeguard your system and avert issues by comprehending these potential challenges. Consistent maintenance, coupled with awareness of the impact of natural events, is crucial in ensuring the proper functioning of your septic system. Understanding how natural events can affect your septic system is essential. Regular checks and following the advice of septic tank expert can help keep your system working well. It can help you in making sure your home stays clean and safe.