What Are Custom Cedar Doors?

The idea of having custom cedar doors is something that many people find appealing, yet for some, the cost or difficulty of installation can be deterring. 

Despite that, custom cedar doors are worth the effort and expense. With their unique look, intricate designs, and strong construction, these doors are an attractive addition to any home.

Let’s take a closer look: 

cedar doors

What Is a Custom Cedar Door?

A custom cedar door is crafted from high-grade wood such as cedar, oak, or cherry wood, depending on your preference. It is also important to check the manufacturing processes used to construct each door. 

A good quality frame will often have numerous layers of weatherstripping and reinforced panels for added durability and strength against the outdoor elements. Furthermore, after the door has been manufactured, it can also be stained or painted in any color you choose.

Choosing The Right Design For Your Home

When choosing a design for your custom cedar door, you’ll benefit from considering how it would fit into your surroundings. 

You may opt for a simple solid wood design that will blend in with the rest of your property while still delivering that unique touch. 

Alternatively, if you’re looking for something more intricate, plenty of carvings, paneling, and even glass inserts are available – perfect for adding character to your home!

Extra Benefits of Having a Custom Cedar Door

Aside from improving the exterior aesthetic of your home, there are other benefits associated with having a custom cedar door installed:

  • Increased security: Wood is strong and durable but still light enough not to impact noise levels compared to steel or aluminum doors; this makes them ideal if you’re looking for extra peace of mind when protecting your family or possessions from theft or vandalism.
  • Enhanced insulation: The intent nature of the material ensures that warm air stays inside during winter months which helps reduce heating costs significantly. During summer, cool air can remain indoors again, reducing energy consumption from air conditioning systems.

The Cost of Installing a Custom Cedar Door

The price tag associated with custom cedar doors varies greatly depending on who manufactures them and what kind of materials they use. 

However, most builders agree that hardwood versions cost between $300-500 per square foot (depending on size). If you’re limited on budget, it might be possible to get a more affordable deal by opting for cheaper materials such as pine. 

Bear in mind that this could impact overall quality negatively over time due to reduced durability compared with hardwoods like oak and maple.


Custom cedar doors offer an array of features that make them stand out amongst other types of entrance ways. 

Not only do they provide enhanced security measures and help keep warmth trapped inside during colder periods, but they improve insulation levels too. 

Additionally, their timeless beauty adds an undoubtedly luxurious feel and touches to any home, regardless of whether you prefer classic elegance or contemporary chicness. 

Remember to factor in costs beforehand so as not to break the bank before making a purchase decision. 

So if you want to know certain things, such as the value of garage doors, or cedar door installation, don’t hesitate to reach out.